BBA//Fjeldco advises Reykjavík DC on an electricity contract with Landsvirkjun for the delivery of up to 12 MW to a new data center at Korputorg in Reykjavík

On 18 December 2019 Landsvirkjun (theNational Power Company) and Reykjavík DC hf., a new high-tech data centre inReykjavik, entered into a power purchase agreement pursuant to which Landsvirkjun shall provide electricity to the data centre up to 12 MW. Theagreement is no. 10 which Landsvirkjun has entered into with a customer whichis defined as a power-intensive user and the agreement is certified as agreen power purchase agreement. That means that Reykajvík DC hf. isprovided with guarantees of origin which confirm that the purchased electricityderives from renewable energy sources.

Lawyers Bjarki Diego and Tómas MagnúsÞórhallsson assisted and provided Reykjavík DC hf. with legal advice during the negotiations with Landsvirkjun.

On 18 December 2019 Landsvirkjun (theNational Power Company) and Reykjavík DC hf., a new high-tech data centre inReykjavik, entered into a power purchase agreement pursuant to which Landsvirkjun shall provide electricity to the data centre up to 12 MW. Theagreement is no. 10 which Landsvirkjun has entered into with a customer whichis defined as a power-intensive user and the agreement is certified as agreen power purchase agreement. That means that Reykajvík DC hf. isprovided with guarantees of origin which confirm that the purchased electricityderives from renewable energy sources.

Lawyers Bjarki Diego and Tómas MagnúsÞórhallsson assisted and provided Reykjavík DC hf. with legal advice during the negotiations with Landsvirkjun.

On 18 December 2019 Landsvirkjun (theNational Power Company) and Reykjavík DC hf., a new high-tech data centre inReykjavik, entered into a power purchase agreement pursuant to which Landsvirkjun shall provide electricity to the data centre up to 12 MW. Theagreement is no. 10 which Landsvirkjun has entered into with a customer whichis defined as a power-intensive user and the agreement is certified as agreen power purchase agreement. That means that Reykajvík DC hf. isprovided with guarantees of origin which confirm that the purchased electricityderives from renewable energy sources.

Lawyers Bjarki Diego and Tómas MagnúsÞórhallsson assisted and provided Reykjavík DC hf. with legal advice during the negotiations with Landsvirkjun.